





1. 曹雨馨,葛启伟,庄勋*.HIV疫苗接种策略经济学评价的综合分析,中华流行病学杂志,2024,45(1):155-161

2. Min Li*, Yuxin Cao*, Hao Huang, Gang Qin, Minjie Chu, Meiyin Zou and Xun Zhuang*.Cost-efectiveness analysis of antiretroviral drugs for treatment-naive HIV infection in China,BMC Public Health,2023,23:2228 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-17052-1

3. Hao Huang, Zhengcheng Xu, Qiwei Ge, Xiaoyi Zhou, Meiyin Zou, Gang Qin, Yuxin Cao, Xiaoyang Duan, Minjie Chu, Xun Zhuang*.The Impact of Customized Short Message Service on High-Risk Behaviors Among MSM in China, a Randomized Controlled Trial Study,AIDS and Behavior,2023.1.27.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-023-03995-4

4. Qiwei Ge† , Min Li† , Zhengcheng Xu , Zhigang Qi, Huiyan Zheng, Yuxin Cao, Hao Huang, Xiaoyang Duan and Xun Zhuang*.Comparison of different obesity indices associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus among different sex and age groups in Nantong, China: a cross-section study,BMC Geriatrics (2022)22:20 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02713-w

5. Yining Bao,Nicholas A. Medland,Christopher K. Fairley,Jinrong Wu,Xianwen Shang,Eric P.F. Chow,Xianglong Xu,Zongyuan Ge,Xun Zhuang*,Lei Zhang*.Predicting the diagnosis of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men using machine learning
approaches,Journal of Infection,2021,82(1) 48–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2020.11.007


1. 科技部重点研发项目“基于新技术多模态的艾滋病定向检测筛查与精准诊防策略研究”子课题(2022YFC2304901)主持;

2. 国家“十三五”科技重大专项子任务“精准导向的艾滋病高危人群综合干预技术研究”(2018ZX10721102)主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国MSM人群扩大检测和ART规模后艾滋病流行趋势预测及卫生经济学评价”(81373060)主持;

4. 联合国艾滋病规划署UNAIDS项目“中国艾滋病抗逆转录病毒药物的卫生经济学评价”主持;

5. 校企合作项目多项。


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